The aims of the Foundation are as follows:
1. To develop programs of study, research, and training aimed at improving the educational and workplace capacity of neurodivergent persons and those entrusted with their care.
2. To engage in the collection, management, and dissemination of knowledge, research, scholarship and best practices on neurodiversity.
3. To support programs that lead to the holistic development of the neurodivergent community.
4. To provide technical support, paid or unpaid, to community, national, regional, and other organisations in the design and implementation of studies, projects and programs in neurodiversity.

Our Founding Directors
The team has many years of friendship behind them, which made it easy to combine their knowledge and expertise to bring this dream to reality.
Jeremy is an Organisation Development Specialist in the Human Resources sector and operates locally, regionally, and internationally. He founded Beyond Consulting in 2009 to provide best-in-class training and consultancy in Assessment/Development Centres and Psychometrics in the Caribbean.
He uses international benchmarks to provide training and services in Assessment/Development Centres, Psychometric Assessments, Performance Management Systems, Competency Frameworks, Business Process Management, Coaching, Learning and Development and General HR Consulting.
Jeremy is also involved in volunteer work and is on the Board of the Society for St. Vincent de Paul Society, St. Ann’s Conference (Secretary), and the Cascade St. Ann’s Community Council (Secretary).

Dr John-Legere is a consultant neurodevelopmental (Community child health) Paediatrician. Dr. John-Legere is skilled in diagnosing and assessing children and young people with neurodevelopmental conditions and those who have experienced adverse life experiences.
She uses her knowledge in teaching and training to promote positive outcomes. Dr. John-Legere is passionate about all youth achieving their potential.
She is particularly interested in ensuring that children and young people are given every opportunity to succeed - advocating for their voices to be heard and their positive contribution to society recognised.

As Chief Program Officer, Dr. Andrew Mac Intosh leads the translation of RISE's mission to educate and empower the sports community into programs for varying audiences and contexts. He has worked in the business sector for over ten years, leading the implementation of organisational development initiatives and developing performance management and training and development strategies. More recently, due to his keen interest in sport and youth development, Andrew has worked both within the United States and internationally, helping various organisations design and implement sport initiatives that build life skills and character. Before RISE, he worked as a Research and Teaching Assistant at Michigan State University's Institute for the Study of Youth Sport. Andrew has also spent time working in Detroit, assisting with the development of evaluation systems for youth sport programs and with the design and facilitation of training programs for coaches and mentors.